Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Tale From the Land of Melisstonia

So you have all heard the tale of how, Melisstonia, a country of Wendy's World came to fruition with the coffee stain.  Well I have contemplated purposly spilling something to create the next country in Wendy's World, but haven't quite decided how I feel about forcing the next country.  But back in the land of Melisstonia I still have my throne, a primative one but beloved one none the less.  This throne sits in the office of my most trusted advisor Duchess Kasidee.  I spent many of hours in her office, Kas's Korner, venting and getting advice on how to go about my daily affairs with the Wicked Villians of Wendy's World and how they would try to repress the people and break their spirits to point where the people no longer felt joy for their jobs.  These hours of advisement usually included some popcorn and LOTS of Diet Coke.  Even though I moved away from Melisstonia many of close friends included my trusted advisor Duchess Kasidee still fight off these Wicked Villians.  Duchess Kasidee has preserved my throne and even made a sign for it declaring it reserved. 

Recently I was sadden to hear that one of my loyal followers had torn down my sign and was using my throne as a place to throw her belongings.  My heart broke, I even cried a small tear.  Now this follower, Caitlin our Court Jester, admitted her crime and begged for forgiveness (through text message due to the long distance).  I was gracious in handing out the consequence for such a crime.  I told her she had to get on her knees and beg forgiveness from the throne in front of Duchess Kasidee.  Caitlin the Court Jester was also kind enough to bring a Diet Coke offering in her apology.  I think she was grieved as well from her offense. 

All has been made right in the land of Melisstonia.  The throne has been given the respect is deserves and the sign is a little worn but back in place. I suggested it might need to be lamenated so that it can better with stand the wear and tear of time.  The loyal residents of Melisstonia are still battling the WickednVillians. Many have escaped their clutches and other are still looking for the right timing.  All are loved by their Queen who wishes she could be there fight along side of them, but has been called to discover new lands.  


  1. funny! good post! i just saw your throne for the first time the other day!

  2. Thank you! I wrote it before I found out about Leo the Lion going to a new home or else I would have included that as well, since being a lion he does seem to fit in well with the Jordan Jungle

  3. in my defense i didnt rip your sign off on purpose i would never do something like that my coat ripped it off when i got it off the chair im sorry!!
