We had a little bit of a rough start mainly because I forgot the tickets back at CDA and had to turn around to go get them. Thankfully I did not get very far, but it is a good think by uncle told me that I needed to leave earlier then I was planning on, we really didn't need the extra 30 except for the fact I forgot the tickets. One of the other staff members at CDA stood outside and held out the folder they were in so I didn't even have to stop the van. The resident thoroughly hassled me about it all night. Plus we had a surprise guest....JAVI!!!! We had an extra ticket and so Javi joined us at the venue and the residents were so excited they then told me that they want a surprise guest at all their outings. Not sure that one is going to happen. They also were asking me about what the next big show was going to be and it is going to be Wicked. Now I took the residents to see Wicked at the Pantageous theater on Hollywood Blvd and many have heard me tell the story, it is long and I won't take the time to tell it right now, but lets just say it was definitely work and I don't think I will be taking them this time. I will leave that to another staff member. Plus I have seen Wicked 3 times so I don't feel the need to see it again.
Here is a pic of all the residents all dressed up and ready to see Peter, Wendy, Michael, Jon, & the Lost Boys battle mean ole Captain Hook.
Ok now for the book review. I just finished an excellent book by Meg Cabot, Insatiable.
Now it may look like a seedy romance novel and it has a couple of moments where it kind of is but over all it is pretty great. Meg Cabot is one of my favorite, as I like to call, Fluff authors. I don't mean that in a rude way but her novels don't really make me think and they are easy and light hearted and just plain fun and this one is no different. This on actually makes fun of all the Vampire craze that is sweeping the nation right now. Now from this point on I will be giving slight spoilers so you have been warned. If you are a reader who wants to know nothing besides what the book jacket says do not read the next paragraph you have been dutifully warned!
*Spoiler Alert* (see I'm still warning you so don't get angry with me if you can not resist temptation)
So in Insatiable the main character Meena is a dialog writer for a Soap Opera called Insatiable and just found out that they are going with a storyline involving Vampires and Meena HATE vampires and think the whole world has gone nuts with Vampires. Meena also has this special gift of she knows how people are going to die and if this death is going to be in the near future, she also feels compelled, as most people would, to try and help people to keep them from dying. Meena also has these neighbors who are obsessed with Insatiable and are constantly giving her ideas of what to write next. These neighbors throw a party because their rich royalty cousin, Lucien, is coming to town and they want to celebrate. Meena goes to the party and falls instantly in love with this Romanian Prince, whom she later finds out is... oh my goodness a Vampire and he is the Prince of Darkness!!!! Meg does a great job of intertwining some history about how Dracula by Bram Stoker is based off Vlad the Impaler, whose name is Vlad Dracula. (I know it is true cause I read the author's note in the back of the book, I'm nerdy sometimes) I bet you didn't see that one coming :). Now come in forcefully the Vampire Slayer and no it is not Buffy. It is a buff man named Alaric who is part of the secret society of Vampire Slayer the Palentine (once again a real organization that is now considered defunct, again author's note). Well of course Alaric is trying to kill Lucien and Meena is finally convinced Lucien is a Vampire but he can't possibly be bad. Lucien has an evil brother Dimitri what wants to be new Prince of Darkness. Anyway there is a whole war between sides, Alaric falls for Meena, Meena loves Lucien, same ole same ole. What I won't spoils is what happens in the battle cause it is a pretty great twist. I will say that I really enjoyed Meena as the heroine and to an extent respect her as much as you can a fictional character. She is way better then mopey dopey Bella from Twilight. I got one word for Bella and Edward and all their teenage angst... overrated! Stepping away from the soapbox cause that is a whole nother entry. Back to Insatiable, it did not end the way I wanted it to but that is because there was no closure and that is because, after researching on Meg's website, she is making this a series. Yay! I just hope that the next book is as good as this one.
Ok spoiling done, although there is so much more that I could have spoiled. I would overall give the book 5 stars. It may seem as though I am an easy judge since I gave Peter Pan 5 stars and Insatiable 5 stars, but usually I am very critical so this is rare. Just wait til I really don't like something that will be a long post... when does the next Twilight saga movie come out?
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