Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hilarious Conversation I MUST share

Ok so there are times when the conversations at my job are just so precious that I have to write them down so I never forget plus they are just bring joy to my heart.

So a little background: most of these residents come from well to do families so they are accustomed to nice things... I wish I were more accustomed to nice things too.  Well about a week ago I was taking a group to the grocery store and everyone in the car started bragging about what kind of cars their mom's drive or all the designer items they own.  JV's parents are highly intelligent people and build hospitals or something really smart I have not gotten the whole story and JV is actually very smart as well. Below is a little snippet of the conversation that still makes me laugh just thinking about it.

KB: Well my mom drives an audi
RG: My mom drives a mercedes
CN: My mom drives a lexus
LB: my mom drives a mercedes too
JV: Well my mom is meeting the Dali Lama next week so beat that!
CN: Who is Dali Lama
JV: Oh my god you have got to be kidding me he is only one of the foremost spiritual world leaders.
KB: Yeah I think I know Dali.
JV: I'm not talking to you anymore.

I seriously could not help but laugh, by far my favorite conversation yet.

I'm changing positions pretty soon at my job, I will be the Community and Vocational Coordinator. I am very excited for the new position, but I am really going to miss my residential meetings with them and getting to spend that extra one-on-one time with them.  I will just have to figure out how to make it happen cause these guy and gals are the best!

1 comment:

  1. This makes me laugh so hard because one of my favorite conversations was because of JV at a grocery outing as well!

    Driving back from Traders Joe's
    Me: Who is this singing, her voice sounds familiar?
    RC: This is Shakira I think
    LR: Who's Shakira?
    JV: A singer, and she's smoking hot!
    LR: Mm...(nervous pause) That's Not Good!
    JV: Oh!!! I didn't mean on fire!! I meant she is very pretty!
    LR: OHHH!!! My Bad, I must've misunderstood.

    And I died laughing.

    Yay for funny conversations and thanks for sharing!
